Conan O'Brian and Failure
"It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique. It’s not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right, your perceived failure can be a catalyst for profound re-invention." -- Conan O'Brian
Do what you love
Love is a better teacher than duty.
Albert Einstein
How do you interpret this quote?
Albert Einstein
How do you interpret this quote?
Conan O'Brien's 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address
A Hilarious commencement speech from the talk show host Conan O'Brian. This 23 minute speech is quite a time commitment for your daily inspiration. It is about failure.
Deena Kastor on Comfort
"I've always taken the philosophy that you have to dream a little in this sport. If you stay in your comfort zone, you're not going to do anything special."
-- Deena Kastor, holder of American marathon and half marathon running records
-- Deena Kastor, holder of American marathon and half marathon running records
Heidi Klum on AOL: Product Review
What its about
Heidi Klum has a style guide. You are probably thinking this is a copycat effort of Gwyneth Paltrow's Style guide, but really they are completely different. Heidi gives advice about running, hair, clothes, and makeup. Heidi lives for fashion, and so does her style guide.
It is a little bit more friendly for a casual peruse. The website is organized magazine style, with articles and high quality full color images grasping for your attention. I can't help but think that a physical print magazine wouldn't be a better medium.
Why it inspires
Normally this is the key section of the review, but not here. I find that this is self explanatory. I don't want to say it. Its not even that nice. Okay, fine. Heidi Klum inspires us to be better by inspiring us to look a little bit more like her.
Who should read it.
Heidi Klum takes a different approach than Gwyneth. Heidi knows fashion and beauty, and that is primarily what she talks about. She doesn't pretend to have substance, and it is refreshing to get what we really want when we ask Heidi Klum for a style guide. Those who want great hair, new clothes, and makeup tips would get a little something from Heidi Klum. Also, if you like looking at hundreds of pictures of Heidi Klum, this is a neat site to go to.
You can sign up for the newsletter, but it won't give you much substance. The weekly emailing is mostly a reminder to go back to the site and check out the in depth articles. Check out her site here.
Heidi Klum has a style guide. You are probably thinking this is a copycat effort of Gwyneth Paltrow's Style guide, but really they are completely different. Heidi gives advice about running, hair, clothes, and makeup. Heidi lives for fashion, and so does her style guide.
It is a little bit more friendly for a casual peruse. The website is organized magazine style, with articles and high quality full color images grasping for your attention. I can't help but think that a physical print magazine wouldn't be a better medium.
Why it inspires
Normally this is the key section of the review, but not here. I find that this is self explanatory. I don't want to say it. Its not even that nice. Okay, fine. Heidi Klum inspires us to be better by inspiring us to look a little bit more like her.
Who should read it.
Heidi Klum takes a different approach than Gwyneth. Heidi knows fashion and beauty, and that is primarily what she talks about. She doesn't pretend to have substance, and it is refreshing to get what we really want when we ask Heidi Klum for a style guide. Those who want great hair, new clothes, and makeup tips would get a little something from Heidi Klum. Also, if you like looking at hundreds of pictures of Heidi Klum, this is a neat site to go to.
You can sign up for the newsletter, but it won't give you much substance. The weekly emailing is mostly a reminder to go back to the site and check out the in depth articles. Check out her site here.
Mistakes aren't always bad
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
---Albert Einstein
How do you interpret this quote?
---Albert Einstein
How do you interpret this quote?
Bill Cosby Carnegie Mellon University's 2007 commencement speech
The lesson: Don't be afraid of being you.
GOOP Review June 30th 2011: Stress
This week Gwyneth tells us about stress. She certifies the tips on her page to be true because, as her opening paragraph tells us, she has spent stupid amounts of money on things that didn't work.. or something.
Dr. Oz Garcia first tells us about stress and weight gain/loss. Applicable. This IS a style guide afterall. We are told that when we are stressed, we have to remember to be stressed about our bodies too. The focus is good diet and exercise.
Olivia Bros tells how to breathe. Okay. Meditation is important. Check.
The Body studio in london tells us about massage. Yup, those are relaxing. I liked this one. It offered us something we wouldn't have assumed before we read it. It was a nice little tutorial including products and pressure points.
Monica Berg gives us something very Kabbalah. It wasn't my cup of tea, but it was nice. She offers us a style guide and this inspirational spirituality is very charactoristic of a style guide.
Overall, great job Gwyneth. It looks like you put a little work into this one. Usually it feels like she take on the monstrous task of asking someone to do it for her, but I could actually see her voice in this one. I learned how Gwyneth Paltrow handles stress and it was refreshing. I think she should try to stick with this type of post, where she addresses a topic that most people deal with, and she teaches you how to handle it like her.
If you would like to read this review yourself, you can see this newsletter here.
Dr. Oz Garcia first tells us about stress and weight gain/loss. Applicable. This IS a style guide afterall. We are told that when we are stressed, we have to remember to be stressed about our bodies too. The focus is good diet and exercise.
Olivia Bros tells how to breathe. Okay. Meditation is important. Check.
The Body studio in london tells us about massage. Yup, those are relaxing. I liked this one. It offered us something we wouldn't have assumed before we read it. It was a nice little tutorial including products and pressure points.
Monica Berg gives us something very Kabbalah. It wasn't my cup of tea, but it was nice. She offers us a style guide and this inspirational spirituality is very charactoristic of a style guide.
Overall, great job Gwyneth. It looks like you put a little work into this one. Usually it feels like she take on the monstrous task of asking someone to do it for her, but I could actually see her voice in this one. I learned how Gwyneth Paltrow handles stress and it was refreshing. I think she should try to stick with this type of post, where she addresses a topic that most people deal with, and she teaches you how to handle it like her.
If you would like to read this review yourself, you can see this newsletter here.
In the long run you only hit what you aim at. Therefore, though, you should fail immediately, you had better aim at something high. -- Thoreau
Deciding who we are
"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision."
— Eleanor Roosevelt
How do you interpret this quote?
— Eleanor Roosevelt
How do you interpret this quote?
The Voice of Gloom and Doom
If you are going to let the fear of poverty govern your life ... your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live -- George Bernard Shaw
Your Body
These are olympic level athletes at the peak of thier career. I would expect olympic bodies to be the epitome of perfection, but some of them look like the people I see everyday.
Seeing these images makes me feel better about my body. When I see fashion models, I imagine their bodies are perfect, the human ideal. But they aren't. These Olympians ARE physical human ideal, and their bodies seem, well, more attainable. These people come in every shape and size and they've made their bodies the best in the world in some way.
More than one type of body is perfect. Yours is perfect too, for whatever you use it for. Check out more olympians at the peak of thier career here.
Today, expand your opinion about bodily perfection.
Seeing these images makes me feel better about my body. When I see fashion models, I imagine their bodies are perfect, the human ideal. But they aren't. These Olympians ARE physical human ideal, and their bodies seem, well, more attainable. These people come in every shape and size and they've made their bodies the best in the world in some way.
More than one type of body is perfect. Yours is perfect too, for whatever you use it for. Check out more olympians at the peak of thier career here.
Today, expand your opinion about bodily perfection.
Humanity at its finest
This video is entitled "Humanity at its finest". It is an inspiring video of an autistic singer singing the national anthem at fenway park on disabilities awareness day. When he faltered, the crowd helped him out. It is an excellent illustration of the collective mankind's compassion and support for the individual. I find it quite moving.
Maya Angelou
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
— Maya Angelou
How do you interpret this quote? I think it gives an interesting perspective about respect.
— Maya Angelou
How do you interpret this quote? I think it gives an interesting perspective about respect.
GOOP Review: June 23rd 2011
This week Gwyneth introduces us to the writer of Classy by Derek Blasburg
. He gives us a few tips on how to be a polite dinner guest this summer. I learned a few things that I do extremely wrong. For instance, I am no lady unless I have personalized thank you cards, and I am a brute because I tend to ask about what people do for a living when I meet them (which is odd to me because what people do for a living is what they... well.. do).
But overall a good email Gwyneth. I agree that having etiquette is important to having style. If you are interested in reading this newsletter, go here.
But overall a good email Gwyneth. I agree that having etiquette is important to having style. If you are interested in reading this newsletter, go here.
accept change
"You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”
— Joseph Campbell
— Joseph Campbell
calm down
This too will pass
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
The Power of Visualization
Imagine yourself doing it. Those who plan do the best in this world because they can imagine every step of a process and then go through the motions.
I noticed one of the most powerful arguments in the 4 hour Work Week was that we should start a business now because we are going to end up doing it when we are retired and bored anyway. When he said that, starting a business was the most realistic in the world because I was going to do it anyway.
What can't you imagine yourself doing? Why don't you go ahead and try.
Today, day dream.
I noticed one of the most powerful arguments in the 4 hour Work Week was that we should start a business now because we are going to end up doing it when we are retired and bored anyway. When he said that, starting a business was the most realistic in the world because I was going to do it anyway.
What can't you imagine yourself doing? Why don't you go ahead and try.
Today, day dream.
Dr. Albert Yu-Lin and the search for adventure.
Albert Lin was the 2010 National Geographic Adventurer of the year. I had the pleasure of seeing this very articulate man's speech at the 2011 UCSD Graduation.
Its hard to believe that this man was in my outer circle. Apparently there are some amazing people who work in the same building, who walk the same paths as normal people do everyday.
This Doctoral scholar studied the forbidden land surrounding Genghis Khans alleged grave site in the midst of Mongolia. National Geographic calls him a modern day Indiana Jones
His most inspirational moment was when he decided not to get a 'real job' when he decided to take on a risky post graduate project that required him to start an 8 year trek around the world using the latest technologies in remote sensing. Although this must have taken some guts, I contest that few Ph.D graduates get traditional jobs. He encourages us to follow our dreams and to be damned with worries like supporting ourselves. Read more about him on the Nat Geo website.
Its hard to believe that this man was in my outer circle. Apparently there are some amazing people who work in the same building, who walk the same paths as normal people do everyday.
This Doctoral scholar studied the forbidden land surrounding Genghis Khans alleged grave site in the midst of Mongolia. National Geographic calls him a modern day Indiana Jones
His most inspirational moment was when he decided not to get a 'real job' when he decided to take on a risky post graduate project that required him to start an 8 year trek around the world using the latest technologies in remote sensing. Although this must have taken some guts, I contest that few Ph.D graduates get traditional jobs. He encourages us to follow our dreams and to be damned with worries like supporting ourselves. Read more about him on the Nat Geo website.
GOOP Review: June 16th 2011
Although I am not positive that GOOP is a worthwhile style guide, I can say that I am eerily drawn to the idea of reading the page on emails from Academy Award Winner Gwyneth Paltrow. I can not tell whether or not she is out of touch with reality and trying to connect with us, or if she is trying to make us commonwealths more glamorous. Either way, lets see how well she does.
This Week's address was a tribute to Father's day. If you do not get her emails, you can access this newsletter on her website here. Because she connects with her father over food, this tribute came in the form of an interview with the Editor of Chief of Bon Appetite Adam Rapoport. Its fun. Its like free associating.
Luckily Adam Rapoport was very articulate and introspective. I would not normally care what the editor in chief of a food magazine thought, but he seemed to have some insight that transcended borders. That was about the extent of the value of this newsletter. I didn't feel particularly informed nor stylish afterwards, and the fathers day theme didn't slap me in the face. However, it was a good oppurtunity to plug her book My Father's Daughter
, which frankly would have been a much better topic of this newsletter.
What did you think?
This Week's address was a tribute to Father's day. If you do not get her emails, you can access this newsletter on her website here. Because she connects with her father over food, this tribute came in the form of an interview with the Editor of Chief of Bon Appetite Adam Rapoport. Its fun. Its like free associating.
Luckily Adam Rapoport was very articulate and introspective. I would not normally care what the editor in chief of a food magazine thought, but he seemed to have some insight that transcended borders. That was about the extent of the value of this newsletter. I didn't feel particularly informed nor stylish afterwards, and the fathers day theme didn't slap me in the face. However, it was a good oppurtunity to plug her book My Father's Daughter
What did you think?
Relationships and You
We teach people how to treat us - Dr. Phil Mcgraw
This quote moves me because it tells me that, to some extent, I have control of my own destiny when it comes to my interpersonal relationships.
This quote moves me because it tells me that, to some extent, I have control of my own destiny when it comes to my interpersonal relationships.
Your Mama Loves You
Allow me to tell you a story
I didn't know where I was going to live when I graduated college. I had the school send my diploma to my parents so I wouldn't lose track of it in case I had to move. A few months later, my mom called me to inform me that she got it. It almost broke my heart listening to her describe it. She was so proud of me. She read every word carefully, relishing the word choice. When she tried to describe the gold seal, she started to cry. To me it was just a piece of paper to undermine how difficult college was. It was a magnificent document after this phone call.
Sometimes I get frustrated with her, but its times like these when I realize just how much love existed without me being a good friend, a good conversationalist, or a polite show item
I am sure they aren't all the same, but no one has been able to really quantify the feelings mothers have for their children until they experience it first hand.
And most likely, no matter what you do, you mom is in the background supporting every decision you make.
Today's affirmation might seem dorky, but it will help you step out of yourself a little to see your own self worth.
My mama loves me.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
I didn't know where I was going to live when I graduated college. I had the school send my diploma to my parents so I wouldn't lose track of it in case I had to move. A few months later, my mom called me to inform me that she got it. It almost broke my heart listening to her describe it. She was so proud of me. She read every word carefully, relishing the word choice. When she tried to describe the gold seal, she started to cry. To me it was just a piece of paper to undermine how difficult college was. It was a magnificent document after this phone call.
Sometimes I get frustrated with her, but its times like these when I realize just how much love existed without me being a good friend, a good conversationalist, or a polite show item
I am sure they aren't all the same, but no one has been able to really quantify the feelings mothers have for their children until they experience it first hand.
And most likely, no matter what you do, you mom is in the background supporting every decision you make.
Today's affirmation might seem dorky, but it will help you step out of yourself a little to see your own self worth.
My mama loves me.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Its not you, its the economy.
I am thinking about all of you right now that can't find a job. I read this weekend that 80% of new graduates from college move back in with thier parents.
That's rough. College used to be considered the half way house of adulthood. Now its just the apex of a boomerang trajectory. If you are one of the majority of students in this era, you will have to face some ugly feelings. You will feel belittled, regretful, and at the worst you will feel worthless. In times like those, try to remember that sometimes its not you, its the economy.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
That's rough. College used to be considered the half way house of adulthood. Now its just the apex of a boomerang trajectory. If you are one of the majority of students in this era, you will have to face some ugly feelings. You will feel belittled, regretful, and at the worst you will feel worthless. In times like those, try to remember that sometimes its not you, its the economy.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Team Success by Michael Jordan
I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
--- Michael Jordan
Don't shut down, give up, or worry that you let everyone down. Michael Jordan was on a team, and that team still trusted him to take a shot even after all his failed ones.
GOOP by Gwyneth Paltrow
What it's about
GOOP is Gwyneth Paltrow's style guide weekly newsletter. You can also look at her newsletters on her webpage. She writes about... whatever I suppose. I guess the term style guide is quite loosely defined. She talks about everything from clothes to values. Usually she just writes the intro and gets one of her expert friends to write the bulk of the article. Often it is fascinating to look at how the other side lives, but sometimes it strikes the wrong note. Her recent newsletter about religion didn't sit right with me, for instance.
Why it Inspires
The weekly emails are a nice peek at what it takes to have a glamorous lifestyle. It is sometimes fun to see what clothes, food, and entertainment that tall beautiful women want to buy. I already knew that it was loose shapeless clothing, exotic fish, and fabulous too-cool-for-you restaurants. I absolutely never take her advice, but it helps me envision a world where I can buy the fanciest soaps and fly transcontinental for a brunch.
Who should read it
Women who have a lot of money and like to travel
Tall thin blonde women -- Gwyneth's style might suit you well
People who absolutely can't get enough Gwyneth.
It isn't the most shockingly amazing style guide weekly newsletter in existence, but I still subscribe to it.
GOOP is Gwyneth Paltrow's style guide weekly newsletter. You can also look at her newsletters on her webpage. She writes about... whatever I suppose. I guess the term style guide is quite loosely defined. She talks about everything from clothes to values. Usually she just writes the intro and gets one of her expert friends to write the bulk of the article. Often it is fascinating to look at how the other side lives, but sometimes it strikes the wrong note. Her recent newsletter about religion didn't sit right with me, for instance.
Why it Inspires
The weekly emails are a nice peek at what it takes to have a glamorous lifestyle. It is sometimes fun to see what clothes, food, and entertainment that tall beautiful women want to buy. I already knew that it was loose shapeless clothing, exotic fish, and fabulous too-cool-for-you restaurants. I absolutely never take her advice, but it helps me envision a world where I can buy the fanciest soaps and fly transcontinental for a brunch.
Who should read it
Women who have a lot of money and like to travel
Tall thin blonde women -- Gwyneth's style might suit you well
People who absolutely can't get enough Gwyneth.
It isn't the most shockingly amazing style guide weekly newsletter in existence, but I still subscribe to it.
I define my own success.
This is inspired by yesterday's post. Don't compare yourself to others. Shoot for your own goals, not for the goals of others.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
This is inspired by yesterday's post. Don't compare yourself to others. Shoot for your own goals, not for the goals of others.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Success and Jealousy
What is your definition of success?
I asked a middle aged man this question the other day. He told me that it was to earn enough to take care of the basic needs of his family and to make memories with them. My parents defined success as simply being able to stay afloat. My definition of success is being independent.
Everyone's definition of success is different. Everyone's definition of success changes. I have no doubt that I will define success as financial stability when I am middle aged.
Hopefully all that was obvious. Now here is the big question.
Does the success of others affect you in any way?
Do you feel that tinge of jealousy when scrolling through facebook, seeing how well your collegues have done for themselves. Are they more agressive? Do they compete with you? Does your family and significant other put pressure on you to get a real job, to earn more money, or to go back to school?
That would make me cringe. Don't let success be a bad word. Don't compare yourself to others, because you are successful, in your own way.
Today, create your own definition of success.
I asked a middle aged man this question the other day. He told me that it was to earn enough to take care of the basic needs of his family and to make memories with them. My parents defined success as simply being able to stay afloat. My definition of success is being independent.
Everyone's definition of success is different. Everyone's definition of success changes. I have no doubt that I will define success as financial stability when I am middle aged.
Hopefully all that was obvious. Now here is the big question.
Does the success of others affect you in any way?
Do you feel that tinge of jealousy when scrolling through facebook, seeing how well your collegues have done for themselves. Are they more agressive? Do they compete with you? Does your family and significant other put pressure on you to get a real job, to earn more money, or to go back to school?
That would make me cringe. Don't let success be a bad word. Don't compare yourself to others, because you are successful, in your own way.
Today, create your own definition of success.
Book Review: Blink by Malcom Gladwell
This nonfiction is structured as a series of anecdotes. Each anecdote is about how some snap decisions are magically and inexplicably right and how we rely on them to make the right decisions. For instance, he tells the story of a psychologist that can tell if a married couple will still be together in 15 years from a first impression. He also highlights an anecdote about how a few police officers incorrectly profiled a black man and shot him dead within 5 seconds of meeting him. His point is oblique. The book is entertaining because it frames multiple entertaining stories for us, but it is weak for the same reason. If he really knew what he was saying, he would have told us what he meant opposed to circling his idea with 200 pages of examples. He probably would have only needed one conclusion rather than the three disguised as concluding chapters and an afterward.
Why it inspires
The author has a heart of gold, and his optimism shines through. He is telling us that our instincts are powerful and we should find out how to harness them. The anecdotes are simple examples of amazing people that have been able to use their instinct and powers of first impression like magic tricks, and also amazing people who are overconfident in their abilities to mind read. I didn't like how he told the story, but I liked what he meant. He is telling us to trust ourselves.
Who should read it.
- People who are fans of Malcom Gladwell. He is really creating a genre.
- People who are fans of the New Yorker
- People who are fascinated with amazing people. There is a bit of hero worship with the people in the anecdotes in this book.
- People who think that there is something more than hard core facts and rational when it comes to decision making -- this book will re-enforce your beliefs
- Those left-brain people who discount thier feelings when making decisions -- this book will challenge your beliefs
What are you waiting for?
Remember our old affirmation, the one that goes "you are the one you are waiting for"? I had a few more thoughts on it and I felt like we should discuss it more.
What are you waiting for? No, really. Everyone is waiting for something. In college I knew a whole grip of people that were waiting until college ended for their lives to start, for them to start enjoying life. Do you think that you'll finally be happy once you pay off your loans, once you get married, once you have a baby, once you own your own house, once you move out of your parents home, once you get that promotion, once you write that novel. Well good for you, you have hopes and dreams.
But, just for a moment, lets consider those things not happening. Or even worse, what if those things happen, and you still aren't happy. Is it possible? Yes. For me at least, when I saying I am waiting for those things, I am lying a bit. I am lying to myself. I am not waiting for riches, or security, I am waiting for happiness.
I am going to forget that entire cycle and address the underlying problem. I am going to look for happiness now, opposed to all those distractions. For me, I was waiting on happiness.
Today, ask yourself: what are you really waiting for?
What are you waiting for? No, really. Everyone is waiting for something. In college I knew a whole grip of people that were waiting until college ended for their lives to start, for them to start enjoying life. Do you think that you'll finally be happy once you pay off your loans, once you get married, once you have a baby, once you own your own house, once you move out of your parents home, once you get that promotion, once you write that novel. Well good for you, you have hopes and dreams.
But, just for a moment, lets consider those things not happening. Or even worse, what if those things happen, and you still aren't happy. Is it possible? Yes. For me at least, when I saying I am waiting for those things, I am lying a bit. I am lying to myself. I am not waiting for riches, or security, I am waiting for happiness.
I am going to forget that entire cycle and address the underlying problem. I am going to look for happiness now, opposed to all those distractions. For me, I was waiting on happiness.
Today, ask yourself: what are you really waiting for?
Defeat Dread
Today is a new day.
I was not looking forward into stepping into work today. It wasn't that I don't enjoy my work, I was just dreading facing all the loose knots I tied yesterday. I couldn't stand it, I regretted my actions, my words, and my feelings. Well, forget yesterday. Today is a new day. I closed the door, and I am moving on.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
I was not looking forward into stepping into work today. It wasn't that I don't enjoy my work, I was just dreading facing all the loose knots I tied yesterday. I couldn't stand it, I regretted my actions, my words, and my feelings. Well, forget yesterday. Today is a new day. I closed the door, and I am moving on.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Evil Knievel

Everyone has heard of this man. People alive in the 70's probably were exposed to the fanfare. People now would know of him through his son Robbie Knievel or by all the media that was inspired by his performances (ghost rider, a few episodes of The Simpsons, to name a few). I am not going to tell you his whole life story here. You can read about him on Wikipedia if you are interested in that. The thing I am interested in was how on earth he managed to still get back on that motorcycle after his brutal failures.
His first big break was probably also one of his most crushing defeats. He attempted to jump over the fountain at Ceaser's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. No one asked him to do this, he went to great lengths to trick the owners of Ceaser's Palace into letting him do it. When he crashed, he fell into a coma for 30 days. I would have learned my lesson. Evil didn't. He made plans for his next big jump while still in the hospital. He had many more successes and many more failures after that, including the jump and crash involving the Harley Davidson where he immediately vowed to the audience that he would never jump again. His visceral reaction from shell shock of crash told him not to do this anymore. That tells me that this guy isn't stupid. But he went back on his word and did many more jumps after that.
What did he get from this lifetime of resiliency? Well, he got a Guinness World Record for the most broken bones. He also got fame, earning a place for his motorcycle in the Smithsonian. He is an american icon. He achieved his own definition of success.
So there you go. Evil Knievel should be an inspiration to us all.
What its about
The Tagline:
Why it Inspires
You get a chance to see the people who were in the same place as you. There is a wide variety of people on the site, people of every industry, people of every orientation, people of every socio-economic status. You get to see for yourself that you aren't alone.
Who might be interested
All High School Students. I'm sure even you confident well adjusted kids need a push now and then.
LGBT High School Students.
Students that are having a rough time.
What its about
The Tagline:
"Many LGBT youth can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them."
This website was erected with the purpose of encouraging LGBT youth that its worth getting through high school. It is a massive collection of first person narrative videos. I am totally behind this project. I just wish that they would widen the net a little bit. High School was hard on EVERYONE.Why it Inspires
You get a chance to see the people who were in the same place as you. There is a wide variety of people on the site, people of every industry, people of every orientation, people of every socio-economic status. You get to see for yourself that you aren't alone.
Who might be interested
All High School Students. I'm sure even you confident well adjusted kids need a push now and then.
LGBT High School Students.
Students that are having a rough time.
Everyone is going to die. Its obvious. People deal with it in different ways. There is a philosophy that says that our entire lives, the creation of government, the existence of technology, and even our hobbies are just preoccupations made to overt our attention from our own death. Someone out there created this philosphey in order to better grasp thier own death.
You are going to have to deal with death at some point. Either someone you love is going to die, someone you barely knew is going to die, or you are going to go through the frightening grasp with mortality that is dealing with your own eventual doom.
You deal with grief your own way. You can't do it wrong.
The thing that scares me most when someone I know dies is that I could have said one more thing, made one more memory for this person before they stopped making memories.
The way I am dealing with it is knowing that there is always time to change. Regret is only positive if it leads to change...
I am going to keep death in my mind, but not in a deleterious sort of way. I am going to remember that someday, all of this will end for someone. Maybe it will be someone I love, maybe it will be me. I am going to stop taking advantage of the time I have by making sure I tell the people I love that I love them now, instead of later.
Today, if you are like me, you will stop taking advantage of time.
Rest in Peace Uncle Troy
You are going to have to deal with death at some point. Either someone you love is going to die, someone you barely knew is going to die, or you are going to go through the frightening grasp with mortality that is dealing with your own eventual doom.
You deal with grief your own way. You can't do it wrong.
The thing that scares me most when someone I know dies is that I could have said one more thing, made one more memory for this person before they stopped making memories.
The way I am dealing with it is knowing that there is always time to change. Regret is only positive if it leads to change...
I am going to keep death in my mind, but not in a deleterious sort of way. I am going to remember that someday, all of this will end for someone. Maybe it will be someone I love, maybe it will be me. I am going to stop taking advantage of the time I have by making sure I tell the people I love that I love them now, instead of later.
Today, if you are like me, you will stop taking advantage of time.
Rest in Peace Uncle Troy
Be Brave
What is the bravest thing you can think of? Is it moving away from your friends and family for a job? Is it jumping out of a plane? For some people, these things aren't that scary. For me, public speaking and riding motorcycles isn't scary at all. However, the prospect of sticking up for myself is enough to make me want to hide under my covers. Does that make you laugh? Sure, for some its not big deal, but I find those confident self-assured people brave.
Today's exercise is pinpointing exactly what frightens you. Do a thought experiment. What is the worst that can happen? Remember that for other people, this is no big deal. Remember that there are things that you do that others would consider brave. These are the baby steps that will make you fearless. It may start with booking scuba diving lessons, but it may end with you learning how to fly.
Today's exercise is pinpointing exactly what frightens you. Do a thought experiment. What is the worst that can happen? Remember that for other people, this is no big deal. Remember that there are things that you do that others would consider brave. These are the baby steps that will make you fearless. It may start with booking scuba diving lessons, but it may end with you learning how to fly.
Be Yourself
I, for one, hear this a lot. I hear it when I ask for advice, when I am nervous about an interview, and when I am preping for a presentation. Be yourself. It hardly means anything anymore
It means do what comes naturally then not regretting it later. Even if your reaction to the unexpected is the most... unfavorable reaction, it was what you have learned to do.
If something overwhelms you, what is your first instinct? Is it to bottle up, to get angry, to lash out, to blame others, to blame yourself, or just scream?
For me being overwhelmed leads to crying. I was at work once when something just totally flew out of control and I felt tears welling up .I have learned not to regret this course of action. The worst thing that could happen is that they would think I am someone who gets overwhelmed and cries. So what? I am. I am not going to pretend to be someone I am not.
This applies to other situations too. Don't be embarrassed if you don't know how to act at a fancy dinner party, or realize that you overreacted to a jabbing joke.
The reason you do what you do is because you have learned it from some place. You aren't wrong. Sure, you can learn new mechanisms if the old ones don't work, but for now, don't second guess your reactions.
Today, stop regretting being yourself
It means do what comes naturally then not regretting it later. Even if your reaction to the unexpected is the most... unfavorable reaction, it was what you have learned to do.
If something overwhelms you, what is your first instinct? Is it to bottle up, to get angry, to lash out, to blame others, to blame yourself, or just scream?
For me being overwhelmed leads to crying. I was at work once when something just totally flew out of control and I felt tears welling up .I have learned not to regret this course of action. The worst thing that could happen is that they would think I am someone who gets overwhelmed and cries. So what? I am. I am not going to pretend to be someone I am not.
This applies to other situations too. Don't be embarrassed if you don't know how to act at a fancy dinner party, or realize that you overreacted to a jabbing joke.
The reason you do what you do is because you have learned it from some place. You aren't wrong. Sure, you can learn new mechanisms if the old ones don't work, but for now, don't second guess your reactions.
Today, stop regretting being yourself
Work Vs. Play
Have you ever heard the phrase, "do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life?" Well, no one I ever cared about told that to me. My sensible family of meager beginnings told me to work hard for a living because life is hard. There is no getting by easy in this world. Everyone works as hard as they can, and what separates the good from the bad is not the will to work, but the ability to really do so.
What happened to me is probably what happened to most people. I have a job I am good at, but hobbies that define me.
So what do you do? What part of your life defines you? It is okay if it isn't your job, a vast majority of us have a 9-5 to pay off student loans and shelter for the people we love. What isn't okay is having nothing that defines you.
Today's goal is to do something. No, don't just do your job, do something that is meaningful to who you are.
What happened to me is probably what happened to most people. I have a job I am good at, but hobbies that define me.
So what do you do? What part of your life defines you? It is okay if it isn't your job, a vast majority of us have a 9-5 to pay off student loans and shelter for the people we love. What isn't okay is having nothing that defines you.
Today's goal is to do something. No, don't just do your job, do something that is meaningful to who you are.
One Simple Idea: book review
I picked up One Simple Idea by Stephen Key because it was recommended to me by Tim Ferriss in The 4 Hour Work Week. I immediatly didn't like it because the preface indicated that the author was prompted to write the book after the success that he gained after Tim Ferriss took his class. I suppose there are some people that really make a difference in this world.
What it's about
Stephen Key's philosophy is that one can become rich, not by making a product, but by thinking of it then selling it. The bulk of the work is getting a company to buy it. He makes his money off of royalties and licensing.
Why it inspires
This book made me want to do something. I wanted to go to the mall and watch people buy things, chat up store clerks and figure out what people actually want to buy. It made me want to be an inventor. I wanted to start a design company and cold call companies.
This book is equal parts encouraging and resourceful. It builds you up, telling you that anyone can do this, and then gives you the tools. The only downside is that the tools are a real bummer. Key doesn't lie, its a lot of hard work to play with the big boys and market to large companies. To be inspired you had to shift through 150 pages of procedure on the best way to protect your ideas and what items to put in your negotiation clauses. It wasn't what I bargained for. However, I was convinced at the end that it only took 150 pages of knowledge to start my new dream of being an inventor.
Who might be interested
Someone who has a lot of ideas but is hesitant about pitching them.
Someone who has one idea and doesn't have the resources to build it.
Someone interested in starting a business and wants to learn about another type of entrepreneurship
Overall I think this book had a rather high rate of return. I read it in a few days and in return I was empowered with entreprenueral spirit. People on Amazon seem to think so too, so far it has been getting 100% 5 star reviews.
Interested? Buy it online here
Do you make your friends jealous?
I was sitting at a local coffee shop the other day when I started idly flipping through some glossy magazines. That's when I stumbled upon a Cosmo Quiz called "Do you make your friends Jealous". I took the quiz to find out that yes, I do make my friends jealous.
This quiz comes from a place of deep negativity. Someone out there was jealous of a friend and decided to make this quiz. Instead of blaming him/herself for their own lack of self worth, they blamed their friend for being so successful.
The quiz suggested that I should try to commiserate more, share my deep insecurities, and be willing to be a shoulder to cry on. My response is no. I will not bring my entire life down, my entire self worth down, in order to keep weak friends.
The lesson is twofold. First, don't relish in your own misery, and especially not in others. Every experience you have creates the landscape of your life. It doesn't do you any justice to take part in sadness theater. Second, are friends that don't want you to be happy and self confident worth it? Was this magazine worth it?
Today, make your friends jealous
This quiz comes from a place of deep negativity. Someone out there was jealous of a friend and decided to make this quiz. Instead of blaming him/herself for their own lack of self worth, they blamed their friend for being so successful.
The quiz suggested that I should try to commiserate more, share my deep insecurities, and be willing to be a shoulder to cry on. My response is no. I will not bring my entire life down, my entire self worth down, in order to keep weak friends.
The lesson is twofold. First, don't relish in your own misery, and especially not in others. Every experience you have creates the landscape of your life. It doesn't do you any justice to take part in sadness theater. Second, are friends that don't want you to be happy and self confident worth it? Was this magazine worth it?
Today, make your friends jealous
If you build it, they will come
Have you ever been left with a dozen steaks on the grill, a big cake, and no one at your birthday party? It stings, doesn't it? Its the feeling of wanting the public's approval, but not getting it. It's putting your heart and soul out there for others, and not getting the recognition you expected and perhaps even deserved. Maybe not everyone has felt that feeling.
Okay, I get it. You were popular and no one ever let you down. You got all the love you needed. You still need this lesson too.
Every project requires someone to carry it through, and someone to appraise it. This lesson is about that other side of the coin. Once you have build it, how will the audience judge it?
If I build it, they will come.
Go ahead and start that blog, build that prototype, and plan that party. Have faith that your good intentions will be received well. You can not control how other people perceive you or your work, but you can put your best foot forward and think positively.
Okay, I get it. You were popular and no one ever let you down. You got all the love you needed. You still need this lesson too.
Every project requires someone to carry it through, and someone to appraise it. This lesson is about that other side of the coin. Once you have build it, how will the audience judge it?
If I build it, they will come.
Go ahead and start that blog, build that prototype, and plan that party. Have faith that your good intentions will be received well. You can not control how other people perceive you or your work, but you can put your best foot forward and think positively.
I am _________
What do you do? Is that all you do? Does it describe who you are? What gets in the way of you doing your job?
When we were children, we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. We had no idea that being a doctor was more than saving lives, it was also paperwork and long hours. We had no idea that being a lawyer had more reading and documenting than court appearances and speeches. We had no idea being an engineer was more about interpersonal relations and team building than it was about math and product design.
The truth is that our jobs can still be everything we dreamed they could be. We just have to overlook the things that don't matter. Does a catty co-worker get into your head? Remind yourself that you aren't there to be thier friend, you are there to do your job. Look past the bureaucracy, the difficult social interactions, and focus on the math, or the writing, your passion, and your purpose.
So fill in the blank. What do you do? What is your purpose?
Today's affirmation: I am a _____________
When we were children, we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. We had no idea that being a doctor was more than saving lives, it was also paperwork and long hours. We had no idea that being a lawyer had more reading and documenting than court appearances and speeches. We had no idea being an engineer was more about interpersonal relations and team building than it was about math and product design.
The truth is that our jobs can still be everything we dreamed they could be. We just have to overlook the things that don't matter. Does a catty co-worker get into your head? Remind yourself that you aren't there to be thier friend, you are there to do your job. Look past the bureaucracy, the difficult social interactions, and focus on the math, or the writing, your passion, and your purpose.
So fill in the blank. What do you do? What is your purpose?
Today's affirmation: I am a _____________
Take Chances
Some people live in their comfort zones and lead wonderful lives. These people found a way to pay for a modest living with a job washing dishes, some live with their parents well into their 30's. Is that you? Well, I am not putting you down, there is nothing wrong with that lifestyle.
But doesn't it get boring? You don't want to look back on your life and wonder what you could have been, do you?
Today find an area of your life where you are comfortable, and take a chance to improve yourself. Challenge yourself to take the next step. Have you had the same job title for the last six years? Ask for new responsibilities. Are you afraid of starting that business? Go ahead and take that first step. Whats the worst that can happen?
But doesn't it get boring? You don't want to look back on your life and wonder what you could have been, do you?
Today find an area of your life where you are comfortable, and take a chance to improve yourself. Challenge yourself to take the next step. Have you had the same job title for the last six years? Ask for new responsibilities. Are you afraid of starting that business? Go ahead and take that first step. Whats the worst that can happen?
Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. - Volitaire.
Appreciation goes both ways. Sure, give honest, sincere, compliments to those you notice, but you also got to learn how to take a compliments. Appreciate your compliment. Don't shrug it off. Gracefully accept and take a moment to savor the love today.
Appreciation goes both ways. Sure, give honest, sincere, compliments to those you notice, but you also got to learn how to take a compliments. Appreciate your compliment. Don't shrug it off. Gracefully accept and take a moment to savor the love today.
Women Who Love too Much
Today we are introducing an inspirational product suggestion. Women Who Love too Much is a book by Robin Norwood. Use the following to determine if this product could be a meaningful contribution to your self help journey.
What it's about
This non-fiction is a self help by exposition. The story is driven by the tales of many women who have somehow contributed to their own demise by pursuing and falling for toxic men. The stories are dramatic, but not extraordinary. The author presents them in a way that exposes relationship follies that we make in our own, healthy relationships. We are able to make the conclusions by ourselves, but she also creates a take-away checklist at the end, giving us a few cardinal rules of relationships.
Why it inspires
Women often blame men for their crappy lives. Norwood's book tells us that perhaps it is our own toxicity that is causing our crappy lives. She does it meaningfully and gently, allowing everyone to take away a positive message. It is not just a guide on how to break up a toxic relationship, it could also inspire growth in a healthy relationship by allowing us to recognize our toxic behaviors
Who might be interested
Women in relationships. All women in relationships, especially those that use their relationships like drugs. You don't need to want the change to benefit from this book.
I found this to be an excellent read myself.
Interested in this book? Buy it online here
This is not a sponsored advertisement.
What it's about
This non-fiction is a self help by exposition. The story is driven by the tales of many women who have somehow contributed to their own demise by pursuing and falling for toxic men. The stories are dramatic, but not extraordinary. The author presents them in a way that exposes relationship follies that we make in our own, healthy relationships. We are able to make the conclusions by ourselves, but she also creates a take-away checklist at the end, giving us a few cardinal rules of relationships.
Why it inspires
Women often blame men for their crappy lives. Norwood's book tells us that perhaps it is our own toxicity that is causing our crappy lives. She does it meaningfully and gently, allowing everyone to take away a positive message. It is not just a guide on how to break up a toxic relationship, it could also inspire growth in a healthy relationship by allowing us to recognize our toxic behaviors
Who might be interested
Women in relationships. All women in relationships, especially those that use their relationships like drugs. You don't need to want the change to benefit from this book.
I found this to be an excellent read myself.
Interested in this book? Buy it online here
This is not a sponsored advertisement.
Take a media fast
Do you ever get negative feedback? What about positive feedback? What about feedback that is just noise? It comes at us from everywhere, our friends, our family, the TV, the internet. We get so much information in our lives that sometimes even the sincere, the useful, the important things that mean the most to us just become noise. It ameliorates passion, love, and even self worth.
Does a strikingly beautiful woman cause you to appreciate your own unique beauty less? Does the latest news report about massive death tolls humble the memory of a lost loved one? Does a world full of buzzing make your own life seem less important?
So take a break. Maybe you will see some sort of difference.
Spend today avoiding stimulation. Avoid your daily newspaper, magazines, fiction, and chatter. Attack your responsibilities with focus, purpose, and drive. Maybe without all that noise, you can hear yourself better.
Does a strikingly beautiful woman cause you to appreciate your own unique beauty less? Does the latest news report about massive death tolls humble the memory of a lost loved one? Does a world full of buzzing make your own life seem less important?
So take a break. Maybe you will see some sort of difference.

David Goggins is a Hero
I first heard about David Goggins from an issue of the San Diego Competitor, a free health and fitness magazine specific to my area. I then got an issue of Runners World toting the miracle that is his body. What makes him so great? This man is an ultra marathoner. That means that he runs marathons 100 miles or more. Sure, there are many people that do this extreme sport, but David Goggins is special because he did it miraculously.
David Goggins started out on a tour of Iraq in the Navy Seals. He came back with his experiences and had the urge to raise money for Veterans and their families. So, without ever having run a marathon in his life, he set out to run an ultra marathon. He did it by pushing his body to maniacal lengths, without anything but clear focus and drive. He completed that first ultra marathon despite having kidney failure and breaking all the bones in his feet. He still runs to this day, running towards that goal of raising 1 million dollars, despite having a physical hole in his heart.
This inspires. Every person has the tools to do what David Goggins did. We are made of the same molecules, the same cells that make up this tremendous man. He just started sooner. Maybe the only thing this man had over us is focus, drive, and raging blind ambition
You can read his blog here. You can't tell too much about what makes this amazing man tick, but you do get some idea of how much pain he undergoes, right from the horses mouth.
Read this Runners World article to learn more about David Goggins
David Goggins started out on a tour of Iraq in the Navy Seals. He came back with his experiences and had the urge to raise money for Veterans and their families. So, without ever having run a marathon in his life, he set out to run an ultra marathon. He did it by pushing his body to maniacal lengths, without anything but clear focus and drive. He completed that first ultra marathon despite having kidney failure and breaking all the bones in his feet. He still runs to this day, running towards that goal of raising 1 million dollars, despite having a physical hole in his heart.
This inspires. Every person has the tools to do what David Goggins did. We are made of the same molecules, the same cells that make up this tremendous man. He just started sooner. Maybe the only thing this man had over us is focus, drive, and raging blind ambition
You can read his blog here. You can't tell too much about what makes this amazing man tick, but you do get some idea of how much pain he undergoes, right from the horses mouth.
Read this Runners World article to learn more about David Goggins
Out of site, out of mind

7 billion and counting
I am special. There is no one in the world like me.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
King of the Wild Frontier
"Make sure you're right, then go ahead" -Davy Crockett
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, and, well, sometimes we aren't. This quote reminds me that my internal struggle doesn't have to be a big deal.
Today, practice having conviction.
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, and, well, sometimes we aren't. This quote reminds me that my internal struggle doesn't have to be a big deal.
Today, practice having conviction.
Not everyone in the world is worth knowing. There are some people out there that will suck energy out of you, use you up, and take advantage. Some of these people don't even mean to. You know who they are. You can sense neediness, sadness, and desperation from a first impression. Don't put up with it.
Surround yourself with healthy people, and you will become healthy too. Pushing the negativity out of your life includes pushing away negative people.
Accepting and enabling a toxic person is selfish. Don't put up with toxicity because you need that extra friend, that extra love. Have some self respect, and expel negative influences out of your life. It is hard, but change is never easy.
Surround yourself with healthy people, and you will become healthy too. Pushing the negativity out of your life includes pushing away negative people.
Accepting and enabling a toxic person is selfish. Don't put up with toxicity because you need that extra friend, that extra love. Have some self respect, and expel negative influences out of your life. It is hard, but change is never easy.
4 Hour Work Week
Today we are introducing an inspirational product suggestion. This new segment is meant to add extra perspectives to your self help journey.
What it's about
Tim Ferriss lives an awesome life. In this book he explains how we too can change our entire lives by rejecting the common path and forging our own by joining the "new rich". He inspires goals, and gives rudimentary business advice and suggestions.
Why it inspires
Although his techniques are unorthodox, it is fun to imagine a life where we aren't stuck in a box, being forced to work until a miracle age when we can stop. You too can travel the world on all the money you need by starting a business that makes money for you. It sounds plausible, and if anything, it can convince you to do something you may never have thought of doing before.
Who might be interested
Someone who is thinking about starting their own business. Someone on the fence about a career change. Someone who doesn't know what they want to do for a living. A salaried worker.
Buy online now!
This is not a sponsored advertisement.
What it's about
Tim Ferriss lives an awesome life. In this book he explains how we too can change our entire lives by rejecting the common path and forging our own by joining the "new rich". He inspires goals, and gives rudimentary business advice and suggestions.
Why it inspires
Although his techniques are unorthodox, it is fun to imagine a life where we aren't stuck in a box, being forced to work until a miracle age when we can stop. You too can travel the world on all the money you need by starting a business that makes money for you. It sounds plausible, and if anything, it can convince you to do something you may never have thought of doing before.
Who might be interested
Someone who is thinking about starting their own business. Someone on the fence about a career change. Someone who doesn't know what they want to do for a living. A salaried worker.
Buy online now!
This is not a sponsored advertisement.
This is what my T-Shirt Says Today
Those who are different change the world, those who are the same keep it that way
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Make the right associations
I seek healthy strong relationships with healthy strong people like me.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Don't second guess...
I am in touch with my emotions and I trust myself completely.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Are you waiting?
You are the one You've been waiting for
-Feather Mesa, elder of the Hopi Nation, Arizona
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
-Feather Mesa, elder of the Hopi Nation, Arizona
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Love yourself Music
Music is powerful. It can make us laugh, cry, dance, sing, express the whole gamit of emotions. Need a pick me up? Create your own power playlist with music that makes you get up and go. Here is a selection of music that pumps me up.
Post in the comments what your fight song is! I'll add it to the list
- I Will Survive by Gloria Gayner
- I Have Confidence sung by Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music
- Lose Yourself by Eminem
- Video by India.Arie
- Unpretty by TLC
- I'm a Survivor by Destiny's Child
- Born This Way by Lady Gaga
Post in the comments what your fight song is! I'll add it to the list
Health is Beauty
An affirmation for you
My body is a perfect machine and I feed it a bountiful harvest of greens
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
My body is a perfect machine and I feed it a bountiful harvest of greens
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Affirm yourself
Affirmations are important because it helps program your brain. No, its not selfish. Fill your mind with a few good things and maybe there won't be any room for any of those negative ones.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Here is your first one!
You are a success because you are living on purpose.
Use the affirmations you see on this site by repeating them to yourself whenever you get a chance. Repeat it to yourself all day long if you can. Stare into your beautiful eyes in the mirror and say them aloud. Say it until you believe it.
Here is your first one!
You are a success because you are living on purpose.
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