If you build it, they will come

Have you ever been left with a dozen steaks on the grill, a big cake, and no one at your birthday party? It stings, doesn't it?  Its the feeling of wanting the public's approval, but not getting it. It's putting your heart and soul out there for others, and not getting the recognition you expected and perhaps even deserved. Maybe not everyone has felt that feeling.

Okay, I get it. You were popular and no one ever let you down. You got all the love you needed. You still need this lesson too.

Every project requires someone to carry it through, and someone to appraise it. This lesson is about that other side of the coin. Once you have build it, how will the audience judge it?

If I build it, they will come.

Go ahead and start that blog, build that prototype, and plan that party. Have faith that your good intentions will be received well. You can not control how other people perceive you or your work, but you can put your best foot forward and think positively.

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