Conan O'Brien's 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address

A Hilarious commencement speech from the talk show host Conan O'Brian. This 23 minute speech is quite a time commitment for your daily inspiration. It is about failure.

Deena Kastor on Comfort

"I've always taken the philosophy that you have to dream a little in this sport. If you stay in your comfort zone, you're not going to do anything special."

-- Deena Kastor, holder of American marathon and half marathon running records 

Heidi Klum on AOL: Product Review

What its about
Heidi Klum has a style guide. You are probably thinking this is a copycat effort of Gwyneth Paltrow's Style guide, but really they are completely different. Heidi gives advice about running, hair, clothes, and makeup. Heidi lives for fashion, and so does her style guide.

It is a little bit more friendly for a casual peruse. The website is organized magazine style, with articles and high quality full color images grasping for your attention. I can't help but think that a physical print magazine wouldn't be a better medium.

Why it inspires
Normally this is the key section of the review, but not here. I find that this is self explanatory. I don't want to say it. Its not even that nice. Okay, fine. Heidi Klum inspires us to be better by inspiring us to look a little bit more like her.

Who should read it.
Heidi Klum takes a different approach than Gwyneth. Heidi knows fashion and beauty, and that is primarily what she talks about. She doesn't pretend to have substance, and it is refreshing to get what we really want when we ask Heidi Klum for a style guide. Those who want great hair, new clothes, and makeup tips would get a little something from Heidi Klum. Also, if you like looking at hundreds of pictures of Heidi Klum, this is a neat site to go to.

You can sign up for the newsletter, but it won't give you much substance. The weekly emailing is mostly a reminder to go back to the site and check out the in depth articles. Check out her site here.

Mistakes aren't always bad

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
---Albert Einstein

How do you interpret this quote?

GOOP Review June 30th 2011: Stress

This week Gwyneth tells us about stress. She certifies the tips on her page to be true because, as her opening paragraph tells us, she has spent stupid amounts of money on things that didn't work.. or something.

Dr. Oz Garcia first tells us about stress and weight gain/loss. Applicable. This IS a style guide afterall. We are told that when we are stressed, we have to remember to be stressed about our bodies too. The focus is good diet and exercise.

Olivia Bros tells how to breathe. Okay. Meditation is important. Check.

The Body studio in london tells us about massage. Yup, those are relaxing. I liked this one. It offered us something we wouldn't have assumed before we read it. It was a nice little tutorial including products and pressure points.

Monica Berg gives us something very Kabbalah. It wasn't my cup of tea, but it was nice. She offers us a style guide and this inspirational spirituality is very charactoristic of a style guide.

Overall, great job Gwyneth. It looks like you put a little work into this one. Usually it feels like she take on the monstrous task of asking someone to do it for her, but I could actually see her voice in this one. I learned how Gwyneth Paltrow handles stress and it was refreshing. I think she should try to stick with this type of post, where she addresses a topic that most people deal with, and she teaches you how to handle it like her.

If you would like to read this review yourself, you can see this newsletter here.


In the long run you only hit what you aim at. Therefore, though, you should fail immediately, you had better aim at something high. -- Thoreau

Deciding who we are

"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision."
— Eleanor Roosevelt

How do you interpret this quote?