GOOP by Gwyneth Paltrow

What it's about
GOOP is Gwyneth Paltrow's style guide weekly newsletter. You can also look at her newsletters on her webpage. She writes about... whatever I suppose. I guess the term style guide is quite loosely defined. She talks about everything from clothes to values. Usually she just writes the intro and gets one of her expert friends to write the bulk of the article. Often it is fascinating to look at how the other side lives, but sometimes it strikes the wrong note. Her recent newsletter about religion didn't sit right with me, for instance.

Why it Inspires
The weekly emails are a nice peek at what it takes to have a glamorous lifestyle. It is sometimes fun to see what clothes, food, and entertainment that tall beautiful women want to buy. I already knew that it was loose shapeless clothing, exotic fish, and fabulous too-cool-for-you restaurants. I absolutely never take her advice, but it helps me envision a world where I can buy the fanciest soaps and fly transcontinental for a brunch.

Who should read it 
Women who have a lot of money and like to travel
Tall thin blonde women -- Gwyneth's style might suit you well
People who absolutely can't get enough Gwyneth.

It isn't the most shockingly amazing style guide weekly newsletter in existence, but I still subscribe to it.

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